The Canopy project allows education leaders, school designers, and researchers to explore how a diverse set of learning environments describe their innovative designs.

Here’s a guide to exploring our portal and using the latest data (April 2024).

Download the full public dataset to view a data dictionary with details about the origin of these data

how creative schools are designing a more equitable education system

Three-quarters of learning environments reported designing to meet the needs of students who have been marginalized, showing that innovation is more than what’s “new” or “different”—its purpose is to bring about a more equitable and student-centered system.

What’s Next?

Learning environments in the Canopy project represent the seeds of a vibrant movement to reinvent public education as a resilient, equitable system that nurtures the unique potential of every student. This movement needs support to take root, demonstrate efficacy, and spread.

More resources

Photos by Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for EDUimages